Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Loveland Bench

My solution for the ugly top sheet on the snowboard I used to make the bench? Cover it with the dozens of Loveland stickers I had laying around (they have great coupons on the back). I had just enough stickers to do the whole snowboard. I liked the center graphic on the snowboard, so I worked around it. I think it turned out pretty cool. I need to find something to cover it with so that the stickers don't get peeled off when people sit on it. I'm open to suggestions.


Check out the larger version of the picture on flickr to see it better.

Placing the stickers accurately was a challenge. They are all lined up edge to edge. In order to get them all placed perfectly, I sprayed window cleaner on the board before putting each sticker down. That allowed me to slide the sticker around. After I got the sticker placed where I wanted it, I used a rubber squeegee to force out most of the liquid. The edges of some of the stickers didn't stick very well, but after the glass cleaner dried over night, all the stickers adhered pretty well.

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