Monday, November 28, 2011


The past few weeks have been pretty hectic for me. As soon as I accepted a job, I started packing all my stuff to get ready to move out of the cabin. I had to start early, because I've been out of town for the last two weeks.

The week before Thanksgiving, my dad flew into Denver. We went snowboarding one day (my first day of the season, but nothing great since we hadn't gotten much snow recently), then headed off to Utah for an Wilderness Life Support course. It was held near Zion National Park, which is a beautiful area in southwest Utah. The course was very similar to my Outdoor Emergency Care course, but geared toward medical professionals (doctors and nurses), so a lot of the information went right over my head. After the conference ended, we had one spare day and decided to drive down to the north rim of the Grand Canyon. I had never been, so it was pretty exciting for me. We also drove over to Lake Powell to see the Glen Canyon Dam. I'll post lots of pictures soon.

My Dad and I in Zion NP.
Zion Trip (35)

View from the north rim of the Grand Canyon.
Zion Trip (119)_cropped

There are a lot of great pictures on my flickr.

I got back to Colorado from Utah Monday evening, and on Tuesday morning flew out to Kentucky. I didn't go home for Thanksgiving last year (you may recall I ate Thanksgiving dinner at the Plume Saloon), so it was great to be home with my family and see my relatives that came in town.

My schedule this week gets even busier. I flew back to Colorado Sunday evening, picked up the U-haul truck and trailer (for my Jeep) Monday morning and have most of my stuff already loaded into the truck. I'm picking up my mom from the Denver airport Tuesday evening and we're leaving for Oregon Wednesday morning. We've got a 1200 mile drive through the mountains in the middle of winter ahead of us. Should be fun.

My first day of work is next Monday, which I'm very excited about. It'll be nice to have a mentally stimulating job for the first time in the past year-and-a-half.

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